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Now, we answer the
burning questions. How do I subscribe to the fanzine? And what exactly do I get
if I do that? Well, I can’t promise any dream dates with Madonna ;), but I do
promise some of the following:
coverage for fans – We love featuring fans works of art and creations
on the cover, so you can always to see some fan alterations with each cover we
News and Reviews – We break it down for you. Whether it’s a new
video, concert or even a hairdo, we get you the scoop.
interviews and in-depth articles – We like giving you stuff you
haven’t seen before or missed the first time around. And, to that end, we take
deeper looks at important people, places and things in Madonna’s world.
Fans! Even more Fans! – Well, this is the meat and potatoes of our
production. Art galleries, letters, classified ads, zines, Web site reviews and
more give you a chance to stake the spotlight and strut your stuff!
4 issues of the zine, your subscription includes newsletters, contests, deals
and special staff status! You decide what makes it or breaks it in both the zine
and on the Web site. After all, Madonna wouldn’t be here without her loyal
fans, and so it is with Everybody. We depend on you and look forward to your
So, now that we’ve given you the pitch, here’s the all important subscription information. Email me if you have any questions.
subscription—4 issues, newsletters, contests, promotions and more! – 20.00
One issue of the Everybody zine – 5.00
S/h for one subscription is 5.00, for one zine is 1.00
payment and contact information, email me at mariam@everybodyfanclub.com.
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