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Welcome to the Everybody Fan Club's very own bookstore! Here, you will find exclusive Madonna and Madonna-related offerings from some of our members! If you have a book or publication you would like listed in the bookstore, please e-mail me here about it. Happy reading! 

Michael Craig has a great book out on Madonna trivia and challenges you to see just how much you know about our True Blue gal! Click on the book to the right to learn more about this great release through Amazon!

List Price: 10.95








Denise Bella Vlasis provides all the information you need to break into the business of impersonation and seeing if you can make a living pretending you are someone else, maybe even the Diva! Click here to order!

304 pages; perfect bound; catalogue #02-1221; ISBN 1-55395-506-4; US$29.95 (Can$46.00)

Denise' second book goes further into the impersonating industry and gives you some great first-hand accounts of just what it takes to make it in the industry. Click here to order!




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