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What a Dollface!

Sean Tataryn shares his beautiful creations with Mariam Ayub!

I was very excited to check out the 80's doll, remember how old I am! ;)

I wanted to take one of these home for myself!

I felt like a Myumee myself! What an honor!

What do you get when you mix fireworks, mega-malls, and myumees? You get an incredible weekend like the one I just had in Vancouver, Canada!

Going up to catch the local fireworks competition, I also had the rare and awesome opportunity to meet Sean Tataryn, creator of the only line of Madonna dolls in the world. Charming from the get-go, he was waiting for me at the entryway to his apartment with his adorable pooch. Sean’s entire line of Madonna dolls was not at his place, but I did get the pleasure of seeing two new dolls, one recreating her Oscars appearance for “Sooner or Later” and the other for her video for “You’ll  See.” Two other faves, one of the Drowned World Tour and the other an 80’s classic, were also on hand. I was amazed at how big they were, somehow I pictured them smaller. They were also a lot of fun to hold and the details were very significant on all the creations. Sean himself was eager to talk about what brought the Myumees to where they are today. And so we dug in.

Tired of wondering why there were no Madonna dolls on the market, and equally annoyed at the crop of celebrity “Barbie” dolls out there, Sean decided to take his doll-making talent in a different direction. (Sean has been making dolls since he was 12 – back when they were called bubble babies). A friend suggested he try “dolling up” some clones of his favorite artist and the rest was history. He also dabbled in other celebrities including Marilyn Manson, The Crocodile Hunter, and Whoopi Goldberg. The response has been immense. Sharing a book he just made for his presentation at the Granville Optical in Vancouver, 3x5 cards scream out with requests to buy the dolls. Yep, you heard that right, they’re not for sale yet. But Sean hopes to hook up with a toy dealer soon and get Myumees out on the market. I know I’ll be getting one when they are!

Thanks Sean for a wonderful visit and for making Vancouver such a fun trip! Learn more about Myumees on Sean’s site or check out his gallery on our site here!

     Thank you Sean!



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