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There are so many ways in which we all really are Madonna wanna-be's. Thanks to the impersonators who are out there working it every day, we can have a little bit of Madonna even when she's not on tour. You can also find regular 'ol folk (like myself) trying our hand at looking like the Diva. Here's a page of just that. If you have tried your hand at looking like Madonna, we would love to see it, so send it in to - mariam@everybodyfanclub.com 

                Joey Angeli strikes a strong pose!

Kimberly Pinxteren shows her DWT attire!

Hugo and company belt out "Vogue"!

Yours truly being Susan, in 
Desperately Seeking Susan!

Las Vegas fan Kristy dressed up cowgirl style!

A Seattle fan dresses up for a cool Madonna party!

Yours truly again, swinging the bat (well, paper towel holder) as Mae Mordabito!

One girl fan even got the Who's That Girl look down! Courtesy of Kenn W.J.

Three Oakland fans "dress it up" as 80's Madonna!

Madonna fans Michelle Basart and Mariam Ayub get their funk as electronic cowgirls!



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