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Age: 24
Location: NY, Long Island
Email: Niko81680@yahoo.com
Web site: profiles.yahoo.com/niko81680
Madonna Faves:
I have so many favorite "Madonna moments" that it would be impossible to just pick a couple... Literally I have too many to possibly remember. That also includes her music, videos, appearances, tours, etc. I think it's safe to say that ANYTHING Madonna does is a favorite of mine... (a little obsessive, don't ya think?) lol I have never met Madonna but I've seen her at a couple occasions...at her last 2 tours and strolling around central park. One of my best friends had the pleasure to meet Madonna at one of her book signings. I have a couple of cherished Madonna items that I own. The first item that I absolutely care for like it was my own baby is my sealed never opened before SEX book. I also own the Xstatic Process book....which is very very fragile. I have a lots of magazines of her back in her "controversial" days...such as Newsweek, people, etc. The way I show love for Madonna would have to be looking up to her and learning from her. I think she is a very strong individual. She has overcome so many obstacles in her life and that is an amazing thing to look up to. About me: I love pop culture! "That's Hot". lol yes. I love me some Paris Hilton. I love all kinds of music, love to read, learn, travel, talk, meet interesting people, sightsee, roller blade. I'm a very open minded person. I'm currently changing my career around. I've been in the restaurant biz for a long time...planning on going back to school to further my career. I would love to meet more Madonna fans so if ya think I'm cool contact me through my email. :)

Niko wants to meet you!
















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