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Madottie Kelly

Age: 40
Location: Orlando, Florida
Email: dottiekelley@bellsouth.net
Madonna Faves:
Fave Song: Everybody is my favorite Madonna song and I believe it was her first hit song.
Fave Memory: My favorite memory is when Mick Jagger's girlfriend (Jerry) was on the Oprah Winfrey show and she cut down Madonna. I always believed that Madonna was going to be a GREAT success and I always hated Jerry for saying that. I would love to tell Jerry, to her face, what a mistake she made by saying that. I have always supported Madonna, when people around me use to cut her down. I always believed in her and I'm so proud of what she has done.

Learn more about Madottie!

Have you met Madonna? I've never met Madonna but it is my dream to someday meet her in person.

What is your favorite item in your collection and why? 
Unfortunately, I don't have a Madonna collection of anything, that's why I want to join this fan club.

What's a way you show your love for Madonna? 
I show my support for Madonna by adding a "Ma" in front of my name. I made this nick name for myself. People never forget my name and a lot of people know me as Madottie. I tell people my name is Madottie, like Madonna, but Dottie...don't forget the "Ma.















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