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HO, Gar-wei Terry

Age: I'm HER age
Location: HK (SAR), China
Email: terryth@netvigator.com
Madonna Faves:
Fave Song: You'll See, Has To Be, Veras, Live To Tell, Papa Don't Preach, Words, Sky Fits Heaven, Revenge, Lo Que Siente La Mujer (the live version), Amazing, Keep It Together, Erotic(a), Take A Bow, Till Death Do Us Part & Another Suitcase In Another Hall, etccccccccccccccccccccccc. 
Fave Video: You'll See, Oh Father! & The Power of Good-bye
Fave Movie: T-N-B-T, Evita, D-S-S & B-O-E
Fave Concert: BA, GS & DWT
Fave Look: During the Papa Don't Preach, Erotica & You'll See (Versace styles) eras
Fave Quote: a) Just try to think forward...; b) Just to follow your dreams & to not put any limitation on yourself... (extracted from the Press Conference held in Stockholm, Sweden)
Fave Memory: a) I bought my first album in English, i.e. Madonna's Erotica in late 1992; b) flew a 16-hour flight to Europe, plus 9 hours for metro in order to watch 2 DWT concerts over there in mid-2001.

Learn more about Terry!

Have you met Madonna? Only watched her DWT live, so NO thus far.

What is your favorite item in your collection and why? 
Love all of them actually, that's why I have acquired them.  For instance, 2 sets of (Ex-)Madonna-Music standups, Bedtime Story Chapter II promo-CD, posters & all Madonna-related commercial releases.  The reason is merely because I'd love to celebrate my admiration towards M & love her performances, music, songs & movies. 

What's a way you show your love for Madonna? 
Keep reinventing myself to get the most out of life (live a better life), continue enjoying M's masterpieces, attend her live performance again (if any in near future) & work of art & acquire the M items that I like.

Any personal messages you would like to share:
Recognize that love's alive in everyone, recognize that god* is in us, all.

























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