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Bob Michelucci

Age: 26
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Email: info@madonnathon.com
Web Site Links: http://www.madonnathon.com

Madonna Faves:
Fave Song: Vogue
Fave Video: Vogue
Fave Movie: Truth Or Dare
Fave Concert: Reinvention World Tour 2004
Fave Look: Vogue
Fave Memory:
Acquiring a personally-autographed item

Learn more about Bob!

Have you met Madonna? Not yet . . . I waited in line at Tower Records in NYC for 13 hours and got a wristband to meet Madonna but was one of the people that got bumped :(

What is your favorite item in your collection and why? 
My American Life personally-autographed poster

What's a way you show your love for Madonna? 
I had a Madonnathon!

Any personal messages you would like to share:
Madonna, please do another in-store!


Bob had an awesome party!



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