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What are you gonna do?
Fans in the UK celebrate the release of
"Hollywood" by getting together to dance, meet fans, and more!
So, you have your tickets to an upcoming
Madonna concert (maybe 3 or 4!), you're hitting a city you're not familiar
with, and you don't just wanna go to the concert and leave. You want to
party, meet fans, and make connections! Well, so do we at Everybody Fan
Club and we've got some ideas to help stir up your plans. We also invite
you to add ideas of your own at the bottom of the list to help all the
fans out. Let's celebrate! 1. Dance Clubs - Number 1 best choice for a Madonna party? A place where we can dance! If you would like to throw a Madonna post-party in the area she is performing, it is good to check out all the neighboring nightlife or where it is centrally located. In LA, it's west Hollywood, for instance. In big cities like LA and New York, check around for the big clubs that may already be planning something with special guests. If nothing has been planned yet, call all the clubs of interest and see you can put something together. The minute you have something planned, add it to our announcements section of our tour pages for your venue! 2. Pre-Concert Gatherings - Just as important as the after-concert party is the pre-show get-together. Witness the LA barbecue already planned from 12-4 p.m. for the first Los Angeles show. This is a smart way to get all the fans together in one spot, prepare for the show, network and share the excitement as well! This can be a more intimate setting like a fan's house. If you are that fan, consider how many guests will be coming for food and have plenty of Madonna mixes to spin. You can also have contests and other fun stuff. Make the most of it and make sure to post it in our announcements section. 3. Meet-Ups - Enjoy the town that you're in! For many that are traveling for a show, getting together with other Madonna fans to enjoy the trip makes it even more fun. Consider meet-ups on off days in-between shows for fans to continue to meet, talk, and make connections. In LA, maybe a day in Hollywood, in New York, all Madonna's old haunts (ala VH1-Rising). For things like this, it's good to have everyone's cell phone number as plans can change. Print out our handy dandy cell phone keeper page to help you plan your meet-ups! Also, don't forget to announce set meet-ups in our announcements section! 4. Unique Gatherings - How about a karaoke or lip-sync contest? Meeting at the venue for a best-dressed contest? Fan clubs could even consider tabling at some of the gatherings - look to Madonna conventions for ideas as well. Doing raffles for charity is another good idea. Pool all your resources and find out who is going to your venue show, (start with the lists provided on our site for each venue). Poll the fans and see what they would like. All in all, make it enjoyable and memorable and have a good time!
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